<<The way it stands, Americans and all Western nations will have their standards of living reduced to the level of the 3rd world. Obviously, people in the 3rd world are not going to get financially hurt by the looming financial crash. Like Dylan sang: "If ya ain't got nothing, ya got nothing to lose." But, they could suffer in other ways. In the event of a total collapse, medical infrastructure will fail around the globe. That greatly raises the liklihood for pestilence to run wild. Also, more than likely, the crash will either be accompanied, or initiated by, some really nasty nuclear stuff. So, while Americans stand to lose the most, the whole planet faces the spector of a New Dark Age. / You Know>>
Sorry I called you delusional, not that you aren't. I do completely agree with you on the above.
I don't see what the WTB&TS has to do with any of this or that they are God's rep on Earth. Maybe you could explain this further?